PLTP's Beyond the Rails Grant Program

Connecting with neighboring communities as their long-term partner is a top priority of Purple Line Transit Partners, the Maryland Transit Administration’s private-sector partner. To tangibly support organizations working to make our region a better place to live, work and play, we sponsor the Beyond the Rails community grant program. PLTP is the sole funder and administrator of the program. Please contact with any questions or for assistance in completing the grant application.

Program Information

Award Amounts

Grant awards range from $1,000 to $3,000 per year.

Schedule and Conditions

Grants are awarded twice a year. The application deadline for the next group of grants is May 30, 2025.

Community groups are eligible to receive one grant award per year. Grants are awarded twice a year. Contingent upon applications received, our intent is to provide grants equally in Prince George's and Montgomery counties.

Evaluation Criteria

Successful applications will:

  • Support an organization or neighborhood (not an individual); and
  • Provide benefits to a community adjacent to the Purple Line corridor.

Performance Evaluation

Grant recipients are required to complete a follow-up evaluation form describing how they used their Beyond the Rails grant and the benefits that were gained from it.


Apply for a Beyond the Rails Community Grant

* Required

Please note: Information shared on the application form will not be used for any purpose other than evaluating grant applications.