Public-Private Partnership (P3)

MTA pursued an innovative solicitation approach for the Purple Line. This partnership with private industry, commonly referred to as a public-private partnership (PPP or P3), will promote the successful delivery of the Purple Line. On March 2, 2016, Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) were announced as the Concessionaire for the Purple Line. PLTP is responsible for designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining the project, and the private partner will also help finance a portion of construction. MTA retains ownership of the Purple Line. The Concessionaire is comprised of three main teams:
- Purple Line Transit Partners (PLTP) – responsible for the overall project, including financing and management of:
- Maryland Transit Solutions (MTS) – responsible for the design and construction of the Purple Line.
- Purple Line Transit Operators (PLTO) – will take over to operate and maintain the Purple Line for 30 years after completion.

The fully executed P3 contract is provided below. Web server limitations prevent all of the documents which are referenced or referred to within the documents on this page from being listed.
- P3 Agreement with Exhibits (734.87 MB)
- Technical Provisions Book 2 - Part 1 (536.84 KB)
- Technical Provisions Book 2 - Part 2 (6.57 MB)
- Technical Provisions Book 2 - Part 3 (609.11 KB)
- Technical Provisions Book 2 - Part 1 (450.63 KB)
- Technical Provisions Book 2 - Part 2 (4.48 MB)
- Technical Provisions Book 2 - Part 3 (650.37 KB)
- Codes and Standards Book 3 (313.49 KB)
- Contract Drawings Book 4 - Plans (219.21 MB)
- Contract Drawings Book 4 - Additional Plans (11.86 MB)
- Contract Drawings Book 4 - Right of Way Plans (210.60 MB)
- Report to the Maryland General Assembly: Description of the Proposed P3 Agreement (963.99 KB)
- Appendix 1 - Risk Allocation (66.09 KB)
- Appendix 2 - P3 Agreement Policy Guide (112.81 KB)